Royal Fleet Auxiliary Fleet Solid Support Ships
EDM number 1467 in 2017-19, proposed by Douglas Chapman on 28/06/2018.
Categorised under the topics of Defence equipment and procurement and Shipping.
That this House regrets the decision by the Government to tender the contract for the Royal Fleet Auxiliary Fleet Solid Support ships internationally; contends that these vessels should be treated as warships given the expectation that they will be armed with Phalanx close-range guns and other weaponry; recognises the practice of other European states such as France, Germany, Italy and Spain where similar auxiliary vessels have been procured internally and, in some cases, not competed internationally; notes that no other nation in the world competes vessels of this size or complexity internationally; welcomes the plethora of economic and social benefits that could be generated from building these ships in the UK, including significant job creation, retention of valuable skills, increased returns to the UK Treasury through tax and National Insurance contributions, potential support of other industries such as the UK steel industry, and much-needed continuation of work for UK shipyards such as Rosyth; acknowledges the evidence from other countries which indicates that for every £1 spent domestically on naval shipbuilding, £1.35 is generated in long-term benefits; and calls on the Government to consider restricting the Fleet Solid Support ships tender to domestic competition only.
This motion has been signed by a total of 26 MPs.

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