SANDS (Stillbirth And Neonatal Death Charity) Awareness Month 2018
EDM number 1456 in 2017-19, proposed by Jim Shannon on 26/06/2018.
Categorised under the topics of Charities, Children and families, Death and Health services.
That this House notes that this is SANDS (Stillbirth and neonatal death charity) Awareness Month 2018; expresses sincere sympathy to those who grieve the loss of their child at this time; further notes that often the causes of death are unknown, which is an extra anguish to the bereaved parents; notes that up to 15 babies die during pregnancy and labour or shortly after birth in the UK every day; supports the charity in its goal to raise funds, as well as awareness, to support research into neonatal death and to provide help and support to parents in their grieving process; and thanks this wonderful charity for all that it does.
This motion has been signed by a total of 39 MPs.

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