Backdating PIP For Young Cancer Patients
EDM number 1442 in 2017-19, proposed by Ruth George on 21/06/2018.
Categorised under the topics of Children and families, Diseases and Sickness, disability and carers' benefits.
That this House is aware that around 4,000 children and young people are diagnosed with cancer every year; recognises that young people must spend an average £360 a month extra during active cancer treatment, while families of children with cancer travel an additional 440 miles per month to access specialist treatment; notes that although treatment for cancer is expensive and starts immediately, young cancer patients must wait a minimum of three months before they can apply for government benefits; further notes that young people who apply for personal independence payment (PIP) typically wait 11 to 15 weeks before receiving any funds for a successful application; is deeply concerned that the financial burden suffered by cancer patients forces them to cut back on essential items like food and clothing, and causes young people to fall into debt while waiting for their PIP assessment; and therefore calls on the Government to review PIP for young cancer patients so that they receive financial support backdated from the day of diagnosis.
This motion has been signed by a total of 23 MPs.

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