Wild Animals In Circuses
EDM number 144 in 2017-19, proposed by Jim Fitzpatrick on 10/07/2017.
Categorised under the topics of Animal welfare, Leisure and Wildlife.
That this House notes that a ban on the use of wild animals in circuses was included in the manifestos of the Labour, Plaid Cymru and Green parties at the 2017 General Election; recalls that 94 per cent of respondents to a Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs public consultation supported a ban and the House voted unanimously in favour of such a ban in 2011; further notes that currently two circuses with fewer than 20 wild animals are touring England and Wales; notes that a deadline of December 2015 was included in the Governmentâs draft Wild Animals in Circuses Bill; notes that the UK has fallen behind 31 countries which have introduced similar national measures; and calls on the Government to bring forward this manifesto commitment at the earliest opportunity.
This motion has been signed by a total of 24 MPs.

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