West College Scotland And Gleniffer High School And The My Place Photography Competition
EDM number 1177 in 2017-19, proposed by Mhairi Black on 18/04/2018.
Categorised under the topics of Arts and Schools.
That this House congratulates Amy Lieberman, Eoin Graham Young and Nicholas Waterson-Boyd on their recent success at the Scottish Civic Trust's My Place Photography Competition 2018; notes that the competition is a Scotland-wide heritage project for school age young people, encouraging them to look at their heritage in the places they live through the medium of photography; recognises that Amy won in the Secondary School category and Eoin was highly commended, and that Nicholas won in the Young Persons Choice category; further notes that the three young people are Gleniffer High School students who study photography at West College Scotland as part of the School Vocational Programme; and wishes Amy, Eoin and Nicholas continued success in their studies.
This motion has been signed by a total of 17 MPs.

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