Reduced Access For Disabled Passengers On Northern Rail
EDM number 109 in 2017-19, proposed by Ian Mearns on 03/07/2017.
Categorised under the topics of Equality and Railways.
That this House notes that 331 of Northern Rail's 527 stations are unstaffed; is concerned that the Government and Northern Rail's proposals to remove the guarantee of a guard on every Northern Rail train will mean many people with disabilities will not be able to turn up and go and travel if there is no guarantee of a second member of staff to assist them on and off the train; understands that where Driver-Only Operation on Southern Rail has recently been introduced there have been a number of instances of wheelchair users being stranded at stations; believes that by removing train guards Northern Rail will be in breach of Rail Vehicle Access Regulations that require every train to have a ramp and staff to operate the ramp for passengers who require assistance; and calls on the Government, Rail North and Northern Rail to protect disabled passengersâ access to Northern Rail services by retaining the guarantee of a guard on every train.
This motion has been signed by a total of 33 MPs.

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