Rapid Response Funding For LGBT Groups And World AIDS Day
EDM number 727 in 2016-17, proposed by Stephen Doughty on 28/11/2016.
Categorised under the topics of Communicable diseases, Equality, Health services, Human rights and International development.
That this House welcomes the report of the International HIV/AIDS Alliance on World AIDS Day 2016 on the new Rapid Response Fund for LGBT groups in 29 countries whose HIV services are threatened by stigma, discrimination and violence; is concerned that men who have sex with men are 19 times more likely, and trans women 49 times more likely, to be living with HIV than the general population, and that in over 78 countries homosexuality is criminalised; emphasises that AIDS will not be ended by 2030 without ending the human rights abuses that affect people most at risk of HIV; further welcomes the recent generous Government contribution to the Global Fund, but is concerned about reports that UK bilateral funding for HIV/AIDS may be reduced and that the impact of this on all people living with HIV/AIDS, including LGBT communities; is alarmed that overall funding for the global HIV response is in decline; is further concerned that the space for civil society is being squeezed in a growing number of countries; and calls on the Government to ensure that bilateral funding is available to support community organisations which advocate for the human rights of populations most affected by HIV and provide services that ensure no-one is left behind.
This motion has been signed by a total of 55 MPs.
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