Voting For Hon. Members On Maternity Or Paternity Leave
EDM number 920 in 2015-16, proposed by Tulip Siddiq on 06/01/2016.
Categorised under the topics of Internet and cybercrime, Members of Parliament and Parliamentary procedure.
That this House calls on the Government to bring forward proposals to allow hon. Members on maternity or paternity leave to vote by proxy during their absence from the House; notes that there are no standing orders in place permitting hon. Members to vote whilst caring for young children or newborns; believes that the current rules on voting in Parliament are disenfranchising hon. Members who are away from Westminster for legitimate reasons; further notes that the increase in female hon. Members since 1997 has meant that the total number of hon. Members giving birth has trebled; notes that the House of Commons Modernisation Committee in 1998 suggested viable alternatives to voting in person; expresses concern that hon. Members do not qualify for maternity or paternity leave; further believes that a change to standing orders pertaining to voting would allow hon. Members to continue to represent constituents despite a temporary leave of absence from the House; believes that technological advances can eliminate any risk of fraud in proxy voting; and believes that, through smartcards or fingerprint recognition, a secure system of proxy voting could be available in a short time frame.
This motion has been signed by a total of 30 MPs.
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