Raif Badawi - Sakharov Prize For Freedom Of Thought
EDM number 915 in 2015-16, proposed by Tom Brake on 06/01/2016.
Categorised under the topics of Human rights, Middle East and Prisons.
That this House congratulates Raif Badawi for being awarded the 2015 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought; applauds him for advocating freedom of thought and expression; expresses dismay that he was unable to collect his award in person due to being imprisoned in Saudi Arabia; is appalled that he has also been fined one million Saudi Riyal and sentenced to one thousand lashes as part of his 10 year sentence; urges the Government to press King Salman bin Abdulaziz to release Raif Badawi from prison so that he may be reunited with his family; and calls on the Government to challenge King Salman bin Abdulaziz on Saudi Arabia's concerning record of suppressing freedom of thought and expression.
This motion has been signed by a total of 34 MPs.
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