Court Closures
EDM number 831 in 2015-16, proposed by David Anderson on 08/12/2015.
Categorised under the topics of Administration of justice and Courts.
That this House is concerned by the Government's proposed closure of 91 courts and tribunals in England and Wales, and the entirely detrimental impact this will have on access to local justice; believes that the public need to see justice being delivered within the communities it is meant to serve if confidence in the system is to be upheld; is further concerned at inaccuracies relating to a large under-estimation of travel times to alternative courts contained within the HM Courts and Tribunal Service consultation document and the assumption that those attending court have access to their own vehicle, with little or no acknowledgement that many vulnerable families and victims will rely on public transport, particularly in rural areas; further believes that Government proposals to hold court proceedings in local authority-owned buildings could compromise the safety of staff and members of the public as these buildings were not built to cope with such proceedings, and therefore lack the necessary facilities currently present within court buildings; is disappointed that the consultation document remained largely silent on the impact the proposals would have on staff; and urges Ministers to listen carefully to the concerns being raised and not to continue with any closures that would restrict access to justice, remove or reduce staff and public safety and lessen public confidence in local justice delivery.
This motion has been signed by a total of 22 MPs.
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