Parliament Website

Ambulance Service In Leicestershire

EDM number 805 in 2015-16, proposed by Keith Vaz on 02/12/2015.
Categorised under the topic of Ambulance services.

That this House is deeply concerned by the continued delay with the ambulance service in Leicestershire, where constituents have to wait over two hours before receiving any emergency treatment; is alarmed that the NHS Trust has failed to rectify the problems; considers the poor performance to be unacceptable and that the system requires a sustainable way to prioritise urgent calls; and calls on the Government to look very carefully at why so many trusts are failing to meet the needs of emergency calls.

This motion has been signed by a total of 2 MPs.

Keith Vaz02/12/2015Leicester EastLabourProposed
Jim Shannon03/12/2015StrangfordDUPSeconded

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