PG Paper - Office Opening
EDM number 731 in 2015-16, proposed by Ronnie Cowan on 18/11/2015.
Categorised under the topic of Companies.
That this House welcomes the official opening of PG Paper, which occurred on 11 November 2015 at Custom House, Custom Quay, Greenock; notes PG Paper is an award-winning company based in Inverclyde; further notes that the business is one of the UK's fastest growing paper companies providing customised paper solutions, which also undertakes a lot of charitable work which is to be commended; acknowledges the official opening was undertaken by Humza Yousaf MSP, Minister for Europe and International Development; and wishes the company, led by husband and wife, Puneet and Poonam Gupta, every success for the future, here in Inverclyde.
This motion has been signed by a total of 20 MPs.
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