Warm Home Discount Scheme - Exclusion Of Northern Ireland
EDM number 721 in 2015-16, proposed by Margaret Ritchie on 18/11/2015.
Categorised under the topics of Devolution, Elderly people, Energy and Fuel poverty.
That this House notes with concern the exclusion of pensioners resident in Northern Ireland from the Warm Home Discount Scheme since its inception in 2011; recalls that the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), in its Fuel Poverty Statistics Methodology and User Manual, described fuel poverty as a partially-devolved matter and has stated that the purpose of the Warm Home Discount Scheme is to reduce fuel poverty in the UK; acknowledges that, despite having high levels of fuel poverty amongst pensioners, Northern Ireland is the only region of the UK that is excluded from the scheme; further notes the strong case being made by Age Sector Platform reflecting a Pensioners' Parliament resolution on these issues; and calls on ministers in DECC to enter into discussions with the Northern Ireland Executive in order to agree the extension of this important scheme so that pensioners in Northern Ireland can enjoy the benefits of this annual rebate on the cost of household energy bills.
This motion has been signed by a total of 19 MPs.
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