Parliament Website

A Manifesto For Community Pharmacy

EDM number 912 in 2014-15, proposed by George Galloway on 24/03/2015.
Categorised under the topics of Health services and Health staff and professions.

That this House notes that GP services are being overloaded across the country with many patients unable to get appointments with a doctor for many days and sometimes weeks; further notes that A&E departments are also being overloaded, as patients increasingly resort to A&E departments to get basic medical treatment; further notes that qualified pharmacists have to undertake a four-year course of study to qualify and are qualified to treat and prescribe drugs for more minor ailments; believes that there is no substitute for the proper funding of the National Health Service in order to provide the health service the public expects and deserves; nonetheless further believes that pharmacists could play a much larger role in the direct treatment of minor ailments and thereby alleviate pressure on GP and A&E services; and therefore calls on the Government to undertaken an urgent study of A Manifesto for Community Pharmacy, a manifestso put together by pharmacists across the country, with a view to implementing their recommendations and demands as a matter of urgency.

This motion has been signed by a total of 6 MPs.

George Galloway24/03/2015Bradford WestRespectProposed
John McDonnell24/03/2015Hayes and HarlingtonLabourSeconded
Alan Meale25/03/2015MansfieldLabourSeconded
Ronnie Campbell25/03/2015Blyth ValleyLabourSeconded
David Ward25/03/2015Bradford EastLiberal DemocratSeconded
Mark Durkan25/03/2015FoyleSocial Democratic and Labour PartySeconded

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