French National Kidnapped In Yemen
EDM number 825 in 2014-15, proposed by Keith Vaz on 26/02/2015.
Categorised under the topics of Crime, International politics and government and Middle East.
That this House condemns the kidnapping of Isabelle Prine and interpreter Sherine Makkaoui in Yemen and calls for their immediate release; notes that Ms Prine, a French national and World Bank consultant, was taken with Ms Makkaoui by unidentified gunmen; is deeply concerned at the political and security vacuum in Yemen, which has dramatically increased levels of violence and the danger faced by Western nationals working in that country; further notes that there is a history of kidnappings by groups linked to al- Qaeda; and urges all political parties to maintain negotiations and restore order in that country.
This motion has been signed by a total of 19 MPs.
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