Working Conditions Of Care Workers
EDM number 806 in 2014-15, proposed by Jim Cunningham on 23/02/2015.
Categorised under the topics of Community care, Employment, Incomes and poverty and Pay.
That this House notes that care workers play an important role in looking after the elderly, sick and vulnerable; further notes that care workers should be treated with dignity and respect and should have the right to decent terms and conditions; believes that all care workers should be paid the Living Wage of £7.85 as a minimum for all hours worked; further believes that there should be enough care staff present at any one time to provide a premium quality service which meets the emotional and physical needs of residents with compassion and dignity; further believes that carers should be given sufficient, meaningful and constructive face-to-face training, which is provided and completed in normal working hours acknowledging the professional skillset required of them; and calls on the Government to take steps to implement these measures.
This motion has been signed by a total of 46 MPs.
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