Means Testing For Female Victims Of Domestic Violence
EDM number 756 in 2014-15, proposed by Andrew McDonald on 03/02/2015.
Categorised under the topic of Crimes of violence.
That this House believes all women suffering domestic violence should have the right to safe accommodation when at risk of harm; notes that employed women are means tested at the point they attempt to access accommodation resulting in some women having to self-fund their time in refuges; further notes that domestic violence often includes financial abuse that prevents some women from having access to money; believes women's immediate safety should be prioritised above their ability to access private funds at a time of personal crisis and serious risk of physical harm; further believes that the Government's call to end violence against women and girls: strategic vision should recognise the risks posed by means testing employed women; and calls for the means testing for eligibility of public funding to include an assessment of the economic impact of abusive and controlling relationships.
This motion has been signed by a total of 39 MPs.
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