20 Years Of Women Priests
EDM number 56 in 2014-15, proposed by Valerie Vaz on 09/06/2014.
Categorised under the topics of Equality and Religion and faith communities.
That this House notes that the Church of England has celebrated 20 years since the first women were ordained as priests on 12 March 1994; congratulates the first 32 women who were ordained and led the way for many more women to follow them; welcomes the words of the Archbishop of Canterbury during a service at St Paul's Cathedral on 3 May 2014 that men and women are equally icons, witnesses and vessels of Christ for the world; praises the progress that has been made, but also notes that there is still more work to do; and calls on the Government to encourage the Church of England's General Synod to bring in legislation for women bishops to be appointed.
This motion has been signed by a total of 27 MPs.
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