Crash For Cash Road Traffic Accidents
EDM number 542 in 2014-15, proposed by John Leech on 24/11/2014.
Categorised under the topics of Crime and Roads.
That this House notes with concern the sharp rise in deliberate crash for cash road traffic accidents; recognises that organised gangs are the main cause of this increase, with a recent report by Aviva highlighting a 21 per cent growth in organised fraud in 2013; further notes that over 50 per cent of motor injury claims fraud is of an organised nature, with over 6,500 suspicious injury claims being related to known fraudster rings; further notes that these offences are particularly frequent in major urban centres such as Manchester, North London, Luton and Birmingham; recognises the costs imposed on society by such practices, including £400 million of added costs in the price of car insurance; further recognises that treating short-term, minor whiplash injuries with a course of rehabilitation rather than the granting of cash compensation would disrupt the operations of these gangs; and calls on the Government to act urgently in this regard to undercut this criminal practice.
This motion has been signed by a total of 22 MPs.
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