National Eye Health Week
EDM number 322 in 2014-15, proposed by Annette Brooke on 09/09/2014.
Categorised under the topics of Diseases and Health education and preventive medicine.
That this House regrets that the number of people living with sight loss continues to rise despite the fact that half of all sight loss is avoidable; recognises the devastating impact that sight loss can have on an individual's physical and emotional wellbeing and the burden it has on the economy, estimated to be £8 billion in 2013; applauds the work of National Eye Health Week from 22 to 28 September 2014 in highlighting the simple steps that people across the UK can take to reduce their risk of suffering a sight threatening disease; encourages everyone to ensure they have a sight test every two years and adopt a lifestyle that includes eating a healthy diet and not smoking; and urges the Government to recognise the link between eye health and wider public health issues as well as the role optometry can play creating a healthier Britain.
This motion has been signed by a total of 34 MPs.
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