Parliament Website

Traveller Sites In Harlow

EDM number 240 in 2014-15, proposed by Robert Halfon on 08/07/2014.
Categorised under the topics of Ethnic groups and Local government.

That this House notes that over 100 travellers are currently parked illegally on three sites in Harlow; further notes that they are illegally moving between multiple sites in Harlow; is pleased that Essex Police are issuing the travellers on Third Avenue in Harlow with a Section 61 notice that will require the travellers to leave their current site; recognises the hard work of Harlow Council to resolve this issue; thanks Harlow residents for their ongoing patience on this matter; and therefore urges Essex Police to issue further Section 61 notices on the remaining illegal sites.

This motion has been signed by a total of 4 MPs.

Robert Halfon08/07/2014HarlowConservativeProposed
Jim Shannon09/07/2014StrangfordDUPSeconded
Ronnie Campbell09/07/2014Blyth ValleyLabourSeconded
Bob Blackman10/07/2014Harrow EastConservativeSeconded

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