Law On Psychiatric Injury
EDM number 158 in 2014-15, proposed by George Howarth on 23/06/2014.
Categorised under the topic of Mental health.
That this House believes that the current law in England and Wales on psychiatric injury for people who witness the death or injury of a loved one is restrictive and unfair; further believes that 25 years after the Hillsborough disaster, when the law was enshrined, that law no longer reflects modern society; further believes that the law must recognise that you do not need to have a parental or marital relationship to love someone, you do not need to be shocked to suffer psychiatric injury and you do not need to be standing next to someone when they are killed or injured to be traumatised; and urges the Government to reform the law.
This motion has been signed by a total of 23 MPs.
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