Pilot Badger Cull Parliamentary Assessment And Vote (No. 2)
EDM number 661 in 2013-14, proposed by Anne Main on 31/10/2013.
Categorised under the topics of Agriculture, Animal diseases, Parliamentary procedure and Wildlife.
That this House recognises that 145 hon. Members signed Early Day Motion 299 expressing concern over the pilot badger cull; notes that since this EDM was tabled the pilot badger culls have killed fewer badgers than was envisaged and that the cull timetable has been extended; further notes that 10 members of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons have written a letter to England's Chief Veterinary Officer suggesting that the extension of the badger cull could result in increased suffering of badgers and place both badgers and cattle in and around the cull zones at greater risk of contracting bovine tuberculosis; further notes that the reduced effectiveness of the cull makes vaccination more cost effective; and calls on the Government to make a statement to the House and bring forward a vote to decide on the most cost effective, humane and efficient way to reduce bovine TB.
This motion has been signed by a total of 110 MPs.
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