Welfare Of Imported Puppies
EDM number 451 in 2013-14, proposed by Adrian Sanders on 29/08/2013.
Categorised under the topics of Animal welfare and Eastern Europe.
That this House notes with concern the growing number of puppies being imported from Eastern Europe following the relaxation of the UK's quarantine rules; further notes that some points of entry have recorded an increase in the number of illegally imported dogs detained; is concerned at the lack of specific regulations governing transport conditions and journey times for these animals; is further concerned that many may be reared and transported in poor conditions; questions the validity of the paperwork accompanying many of these animals; is further concerned that these imports could introduce disease to the UK, potentially including rabies; applauds the work of the FOUR PAWS organisation and others in this area; and calls on the Government to strengthen the current rules to end this trade in puppies and protect the UK's rabies-free status.
This motion has been signed by a total of 22 MPs.
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