Changes To Tyre Requirements During Mots For Buses And Coaches
EDM number 1166 in 2013-14, proposed by Steve Rotheram on 11/03/2014.
Categorised under the topics of Buses and Roads.
That this House notes the tragic deaths of three people in September 2012 following an avoidable coach crash caused by a faulty front tyre; recognises the inquest verdict that the cause of the crash was the age of the tyre; further accepts the coroner's ruling that tyres deteriorate significantly with age; believes that the Department for Transport (DfT) should urgently commission appropriate research into the effects of tyre ageing on road traffic accidents with the possibility of introducing a maximum age limit; welcomes the guidelines published by the DfT in December 2013; further notes the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency should undertake an immediate review of all passenger service vehicles' tyres to ensure that they are operating within the DfT's guidelines; and further believes that the Government should make representations to the EU to amend existing legislation to ensure all buses and coaches are required to have tyres with a maximum age of 10 years.
This motion has been signed by a total of 31 MPs.
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