Parliament Website

Changes To Floodline Charges

EDM number 1044 in 2013-14, proposed by David Morris on 04/02/2014.
Categorised under the topics of Flooding and Telecommunications.

That this House notes that the Prime Minister has forced the Environment Agency to launch an 0345 floodline number; further notes that this was in response to complaints that the old 0845 number cost up to 41 pence a minute to call; believes that this service should be as affordable as possible to users; and therefore welcomes the changes made.

This motion has been signed by a total of 12 MPs.

David Morris04/02/2014Morecambe and LunesdaleConservativeProposed
Bob Russell04/02/2014ColchesterLiberal DemocratSeconded
Ronnie Campbell05/02/2014Blyth ValleyLabourSeconded
Martin Caton05/02/2014GowerLabourSeconded
Peter Bottomley06/02/2014Worthing WestConservativeSeconded
Mark Williams10/02/2014CeredigionLiberal DemocratSeconded
John Leech10/02/2014Manchester, WithingtonLiberal DemocratSigned
George Howarth10/02/2014KnowsleyLabourSigned
William McCrea11/02/2014South AntrimDUPSigned
David Simpson11/02/2014Upper BannDUPSigned
Mike Hancock13/02/2014Portsmouth SouthLiberal DemocratSigned
John McDonnell13/02/2014Hayes and HarlingtonLabourSigned

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