Young People And Substance Abuse
EDM number 645 in 2012-13, proposed by Mike Wood on 26/10/2012.
Categorised under the topic of Drugs misuse.
That this House notes with concern the report for the independent UK Drug Policy Commission, Domino Effects: The impact of localism and austerity on services for young people and on drug problems, which warns that young people's services are particularly vulnerable to cuts; further notes that cuts to generic services and restructuring in the public sector could have a damaging knock-on effect on substance misuse problems; acknowledges the need for co-ordinated monitoring of current provision and promotion of good practice; and calls on the Government to address these concerns by taking immediate steps to ensure that the welcome declining trend in substance misuse among young people is not jeopardised by rapid restructuring and cuts.
This motion has been signed by a total of 26 MPs.
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