Parents Circle - Families Forum And Reconciliation In The Middle East
EDM number 103 in 2012-13, proposed by Mark Durkan on 21/05/2012.
Categorised under the topics of Children and families and Middle East.
That this House recognises the need to provide a framework for a reconciliation process as an integral part of any future peace agreements between Israel and Palestine; believes that reconciliation is a necessary condition for ensuring a lasting peace in the Middle East; applauds the work of the charity Parents Circle-Families Forum (PCFF) to make an emotional breakthrough; notes that the PCFF is made up of over 600 families, half Israeli and half Palestinian, who have all lost an immediate family member in the conflict; and supports the message ofthe Forum that if Palestinians and Israelis who have paid the highest price of a conflict can sit together and look for a way to peace, then surely others can.
This motion has been signed by a total of 61 MPs.
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