145th Anniversary Of The Welsh Arrival In Patagonia
EDM number 553 in 2010-12, proposed by Hywel Williams on 20/07/2010.
Categorised under the topic of International politics and government.
That this House notes that 28 July 2010 will be the 145th anniversary of the arrival of Welsh immigrants in Patagonia aboard the Mimosa; further notes the success of the Welsh colony as part of the foundation of the modern-day Chubut Province; welcomes the Women's Choir of Gaiman, Cor Merched Gaiman, to Wales and congratulates them on their successful tour; appreciates the funding by the National Assembly for Wales and the British Council which supports Welsh teachers and lessons in the Chubut Province; congratulates the members of the Welsh-Argentina Foundation, Cymdeithas Cymru-Ariannin, for their 70 years of support for links between Wales and Patagonia; believes that the continued links between Wales and the Chubut are of great cultural importance to residents of both locations; and calls on the Chubut Provincial Government to reject plans to end the traditional provincial holiday to celebrate Landing Day, Gwyl y Glaniad, in the Chubut Province.
This motion has been signed by a total of 18 MPs.
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