Elections In Somaliland
EDM number 485 in 2010-12, proposed by Alun Michael on 13/07/2010.
Categorised under the topics of Africa and Politics and Government.
That this House congratulates the people of Somaliland on the democratic and peaceful process through which they have elected a new government; further congratulates Ahmed Mohamed Mahamoud Silanyo of the Kulmiye Party on being elected President; notes that after a previous election when he was narrowly defeated Silanyo urged his followers not to dispute the result, saying `we accept the outcome - we are a democracy now'; believes that the peaceful transfer of power is greatly to the credit of outgoing President Riyale and of all three parties contesting the election; welcomes the Government's commitment to reward these democratic achievements through increasing existing development aid and help in supporting the democratic institutions in Somaliland; is encouraged by the Prime Minister's positive response to the election and his promise of ongoing support for Somaliland; and further believes that 20 years of democratic development has earned Somaliland a much greater degree of respect, support and encouragement from the international community.
This motion has been signed by a total of 27 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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