China's Forcible Repatriation Of North Korean Refugees
EDM number 2879 in 2010-12, proposed by Fiona Bruce on 15/03/2012.
Categorised under the topics of Asia and International politics and government.
That this House notes with grave concern China's policy to forcibly repatriate North Korean refugees; expresses outrage at the recent repatriation of at least 41 North Koreans; urges Chinese authorities to desist from further repatriations; further urges China to allow safe passage for refugees to third countries; further notes that China is a signatory to the 1951 United Nations Refugee Convention and the Convention against Torture; further urges China to uphold international law and respect the principle of non-refoulement; further urges China to recognise that economic migrants from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) are refugees sur place, defined by the United Nations, on account of the persecution they are likely to faceupon return; further notes that North Korea announced in December 2011 its intention to annihilate up to three generations of a family if a person fled during the 100 day period of mourning of Kim Jong-il; further notes that in 2010 the DPRK Ministry of Public Security issued a decree making defection a crime of treachery against the nation; further notes widespread reports of arrest, imprisonment, torture and execution faced by North Korean refugees upon return; further notes that North Korean refugees suspected of contacting South Koreans, converting to Christianity, or possessing a Bible face especially severe punishment; calls on China to allow United Nations access to all North Korean refugees in China; further calls on the DPRK to desist from arresting or persecuting those who have been repatriated; and further urges the Government to raise this as a matter of urgency with China, the DPRK and inthe United Nations.
This motion has been signed by a total of 25 MPs.
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