Regional Variations In Diabetes Amputations
EDM number 2847 in 2010-12, proposed by Keith Vaz on 08/03/2012.
Categorised under the topics of Diseases and Health services.
That this House is deeply concerned by the regional variations in the number of amputations due to diabetes; notes that diabetes sufferers in certain areas are 10 times more likely to have an amputation than those in others; further notes that it is estimated that 80 per cent. of amputations due to diabetes are preventable with the right care and there are therefore approximately 80 preventable amputations due to diabetes a week; is alarmed by the fact that research shows these regional variations are related to the way care is organised; and calls on the Government to support a 50 per cent. reduction in amputations over five years and establish a specialist foot care team in every hospital in the UK.
This motion has been signed by a total of 24 MPs.
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