Parliament Website

European Union Dairy Package And Milk Contracts

EDM number 2747 in 2010-12, proposed by Jonathan Edwards on 21/02/2012.

That this House welcomes the European Union Dairy Package and believes that it establishes clear and sensible rules for price determination in milk contracts for farmers supplying a dairy other than a co-operative; expresses concern that explicit provisions for minimum terms in contracts are left to member states to choose to implement and that the UK proposes a voluntary code; notes that farmers are often adversely affected by poor contracts and may be required to give 12 or more months' notice for requirement to leave but that the price the farmer is paid can be changed at will by the processor without notice; further notes that the price of dairy products has soared on world markets whilst the prices paid to dairy farmers in Wales have stagnated; believes that Government action is required to elimate unreasonable contractual practices and create fairer and more balanced contractual terms; and calls for implementation of statutory legislation on this matter in forthcoming groceries and milk ombudsman legislation.

This motion has been signed by a total of 8 MPs.

Jonathan Edwards21/02/2012Carmarthen East and DinefwrPlaid CymruProposed
Elfyn Llwyd21/02/2012Dwyfor MeirionnyddPlaid CymruSeconded
Hywel Williams21/02/2012ArfonPlaid CymruSeconded
Peter Bottomley21/02/2012Worthing WestConservativeSeconded
Martin Caton23/02/2012GowerLabourSeconded
Jeremy Corbyn23/02/2012Islington NorthLabourSeconded
John Leech23/02/2012Manchester, WithingtonLiberal DemocratSigned
Mark Williams23/02/2012CeredigionLiberal DemocratSigned

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