Payments To Football Agents
EDM number 2518 in 2010-12, proposed by Bob Russell on 07/12/2011.
Categorised under the topic of Sports.
That this House is appalled to learn that in the past year nearly 72 million was paid by clubs in the FA Premier League to football agents, an increase from the previous year's 67 million and nearly 71 million the year before that, making a total of around 210 million taken out of the game in just three years; agrees with the observation of Mr Patrick Collins, Chief Sports Writer of The Mail on Sunday newspaper that this towering mountain of money is now swilling around the bank accounts of various spivs and chancers, leeches and parasites and his further comments that this is money which football has generated, yet will never enjoy; notes that the loss to football is even greater when payments to agents in the three divisions of the Football League are included; concludes that the Football Association and the Football League have failed to deal with this cancer in the national sport; and calls on the Government to legislate so that the obscene sums of money which agents are currently taking outof the game are distributed to benefit football at all levels including school football.
This motion has been signed by a total of 20 MPs.
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