Threat To Private Sector Professional Photographers
EDM number 2446 in 2010-12, proposed by Austin Mitchell on 21/11/2011.
Categorised under the topic of Arts.
That this House is concerned by the threat to private sectorjobs in the professional printed photography sector; notes that a decision, made by the previous administration in April 2009 to allow the Post Office to provide digital ID pictures for driving licences and future plans for the Post Office to be able to provide digital pictures for biometric residence permits and passports, puts 5000 private sector high street jobs at risk at a time of economic uncertainty; understands that the ID picture market is crucial for the survival of private sector photographers contributing up to 40 per cent. of their gross profits on average; believes that rather than creating a Post Office monopoly, the installation of scanners in post offices would provide a viable alternative which would benefit the general public, who could then approve their photographs whilst safeguarding private sector photography jobs; and calls on the Government to allow competition in the provision of ID photographs and reconsider its decision and create a sustainable business model for the Post Office which is also compatible with provision of digital ID pictures by private sector professional photographers.
This motion has been signed by a total of 22 MPs.
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