One School Of Thought Campaign
EDM number 2297 in 2010-12, proposed by Naomi Long on 20/10/2011.
Categorised under the topics of Education and Schools.
That this House congratulates Lagan College on the 30thanniversary of its founding as the first integrated school in Northern Ireland; recognises that 30 years on and despite repeated public polls demonstrating high levels of public support for mixed religion schools and excess demand for them, still only seven per cent. of children in Northern Ireland attend integrated schools which seek to promote mutual understanding; further recognises that greater moves to educate children together in Northern Ireland would both enhance a shared future and help overcome the segregation in society which sustains sectarianism; and urges policymakers to support the recently launched One School of Thought Campaign to make sharing in education a higher priority in light of the social and economic benefits, commitments in the Belfast Agreement and wider international support.
This motion has been signed by a total of 18 MPs.
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