Mk Zoabi And The Gaza Flotilla
EDM number 213 in 2010-12, proposed by Roger Godsiff on 14/06/2010.
Categorised under the topic of Middle East.
That this House views with concern the treatment that MK Zoabi has received from her fellow parliamentarians in the Knesset as a result of her participation in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla; notes that she may shortly be deprived of parliamentary privileges which include her parliamentary immunity and Knesset membership, as well as facing criminal prosecution following her contradiction of the official Israeli version of events when the boats were intercepted in international waters; further notes that her vilification has lead to death threats and the assignment of personal body guards by the Knesset; and calls on the Government vigorously to support the actions of MK Zoabi in its representations to the Israeli government and to affirm MK Zoabi's basic political, civil and human rights, including freedom of speech, and those of the Palestinian people for whom she took her stand.
This motion has been signed by a total of 38 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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