Live Export Of Farm Animals From Ramsgate
EDM number 2073 in 2010-12, proposed by Alan Meale on 12/07/2011.
Categorised under the topics of Animal welfare, International trade and Transport.
That this House is concerned that live export of farm animals to continental Europe has resumed,this timevia the Port of Ramsgate, despite widespread local opposition from residents and their elected representatives; is aware that currently over 30,000 UK nationals have signed a petition calling for transport times involving live animals to be reduced to a maximum of eight hours, the same petition having already attracted the attention of over 300,000 EU citizens; calls on the Government to ban the export of live animals to continental Europe; and urges the Secretaries of State for Transport and for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to amend the Harbours, Docks and Piers Clauses Act 1847 to allow ports authorities in the UK the right to refuse any ship involved in such activities the use of its port.
This motion has been signed by a total of 37 MPs.
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