National Autism Report - Great Expectations
EDM number 2028 in 2010-12, proposed by Alan Meale on 04/07/2011.
Categorised under the topic of Mental health.
That this House acknowledges the Government's intentions to radically change special educational needs (SEN) provision in the UK; believes this offers an opportunity to create a better system in this sector which genuinely involves parents as equal partners in decisions about their child's education, improving the planning of connected local services, including the establishment of support mechanisms designed to quickly and easily deliver solutions to everyday problems experienced in this field; commends the National Autistic Society's report, Great Expectations, which illustrates why urgent action is required by listing a range of individual outcomes of failure such as the fact that half of parents in their study wasted over a year before getting the support needed, or that more than one in five of parents had to resort to legal action to achieve this; and calls on the Government to listen and learn from the NAS's vast experience and expertise to ensure it achieves real positive outcomes to its review.
This motion has been signed by a total of 26 MPs.
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