Dismissals At Liverpool Passport Office
EDM number 1753 in 2010-12, proposed by Louise Ellman on 26/04/2011.
Categorised under the topics of Employment and Nationality.
That this House is deeply concerned that 14 Identity and Passport Service (IPS) Liverpool permanent passport office staff were dismissed without notice on 21 March 2011 due to a recruitment error made by IPS in the autumn of 2008; notes IPS's acknowledgement of its mistake; is concerned that the proposals drawn up by IPS on 4 January 2011 to explore other means of resolving the situation were not forwarded to the Civil Service Commission; and calls for the publication of the findings of the current internal review into what took place, for an independent external review and for the re-instatement of the affected staff.
This motion has been signed by a total of 37 MPs.
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