Twickenham Rail Station And The 2015 Rugby World Cup
EDM number 1623 in 2010-12, proposed by Paul Farrelly on 17/03/2011.
Categorised under the topic of Sports.
That this House notes that the eyes of the world will be focused on London in 2015 for the Rugby World Cup, when more than 600,000 rugby fans from around the world will attend matches at Twickenham Stadium; recognises that Twickenham Station currently provides an inadequate and uninspiring gateway for rugby supporters, the world's media, VIPs and officials visiting the stadium, as it is run down, unkempt, inefficient and does not provide basic facilities such as adequate toilets or provision for people with disabilities; and calls on the Government to work closely with the Rugby Football Union, Network Rail and Richmond upon Thames Council to ensure that the necessary major improvements can be agreed now, and that London and the country, will therefore no longer be ashamed of the transport infrastructure at Twickenham when the third largest sporting event in the world takes place there in four years' time.
This motion has been signed by a total of 20 MPs.
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