Sustainability In British Manufacturing
EDM number 1221 in 2010-12, proposed by Malcolm Wicks on 20/12/2010.
Categorised under the topic of Manufacturing industries.
That this House commends UK companies, large and small, that are creating an economy that is based on sustainability, believes that retaining a sustainable manufacturing base is important to reducing the UK's carbon emissions; further believes that clean technology and sustainable manufacturing and services will become increasingly important in the development of future economies around the world; is concerned by any outmoded perceptions of British manufacturing as being dirty, poor quality or a second-rate occupation; is further concerned by the number of British companies in the manufacturing sector that have ceased trading or have moved their operations overseas in the last three years; and welcomes campaigns created from within the sector to celebrate British green industries and demonstrate to the public, both at home and abroad, the excellence that exists in the UK.
This motion has been signed by a total of 57 MPs.
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