UK Alcohol Policy
EDM number 1196 in 2010-12, proposed by Alex Cunningham on 14/12/2010.
Categorised under the topics of Alcoholism and Health education and preventive medicine.
That this House acknowledges the Government's aimof tackling alcohol harm; notes with concern its intention to work closely with global alcohol businesses in developing UK alcohol policy; calls on those businesses to demonstrate they deserve the trust placed in them by refraining from price-led mass media advertising; and further calls on them to include health warnings, unit information, pregnancy warnings and daily guidelines on their products, to refrain from selling alcohol at checkouts, on ends of aisles and at front of store and to prominently display health warningsand unit guidelines in both on and off licence premises.
This motion has been signed by a total of 19 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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