Save Our Supplements Campaign
EDM number 990 in 2009-10, proposed by Kate Hoey on 02/03/2010.
Categorised under the topics of Health education and preventive medicine and Health services.
That this House is proud to support Consumers for Health Choice (CHC) in its Save our Supplements, Time is Running Out campaign; salutes the persistent work of the CHC over many years in keeping the future availability of the humble vitamin pill high upon the political and parliamentary agenda; reaffirms its determination to defend the right of British consumers to have continued access to safe and proper food supplements of their choice; and urges the European Commission in the strongest possible terms to abandon plans for the imposition of maximum permitted levels for nutrients in food supplements which are already accepted as safe and appropriately labelled by the Food Standards Agency and which have a history of safe use, by millions of consumers, over many decades.
This motion has been signed by a total of 57 MPs.
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