British Tourism Week 15-21 March
EDM number 917 in 2009-10, proposed by Lindsay Hoyle on 23/02/2010.
Categorised under the topic of Tourism.
That this House celebrates the fourth annual British Tourism Week which raises local, regional, national and international awareness of the size, value and importance of Britain's £114 billion visitor economy; commends the associations organising the events for highlighting the contribution made by businesses large and small, public and commercial to this important industry for the UK; joins the organisers in their awareness of the interdependability of the various sectors which have an impact on the appeal of Britain as a tourist destination, such as transport, tour operators, accommodation and attractions; recognises the importance of enhancing Britain's image as a place to visit in the run-up to the London 2012 Olympic Games; and encourages hon. Members to pledge to offer support at all levels to the make the week a success and the outcomes productive.
This motion has been signed by a total of 58 MPs.
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