Control Of Major Accident Hazard Sites
EDM number 823 in 2009-10, proposed by Bob Spink on 08/02/2010.
Categorised under the topic of Industrial health and safety.
That this House notes with regret the explosion at the Kleen Energy plant in Conneticut on 7 February 2010 resulting in substantial injury and loss of life; expresses concern for the safety of people affected by gas plants, such as Calor Gas on Canvey Island, that are sited in Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) sites; further notes with concern that some operators of COMAH sites have been subjected to prohibition or enforcement notices, demonstrating a failure to adhere to systems put in place to safeguard the community; believes that any new fast-track planning system dealing with nationally significant infrastructure projects must include independent review of local emergency processes and risk factors where COMAH sites are involved; and calls on the Government and the Opposition to commit to a national safe siting policy.
This motion has been signed by a total of 24 MPs.
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