Additional Rosette For Malaya Veterans
EDM number 813 in 2009-10, proposed by Sandra Gidley on 08/02/2010.
Categorised under the topic of Veterans.
That this House recognises those members of the three armed forces who saw active service in Malaya who were awarded the NGSM/GSM medal ribbon; distinguishes between those who served before Malaya's date of independence and those after; further recognises that those who fought and endured the struggle between 1948 and 1957 do not qualify for any further recognition for their part in the defeat of the Military Army of the Malayan Communist Party; and calls on the Government to bring forward legislation to award an additional rosette to all forces who qualify for active service in Malaya between 16 June 1948 and 31 August 1957.
This motion has been signed by a total of 38 MPs.
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