Cost Of Telephone Calls For Prisoners
EDM number 311 in 2008-09, proposed by Linda Riordan on 16/12/2008.
Categorised under the topics of Prisons and Telecommunications.
That this House welcomes the super-complaint on the high cost of telephone calls for prisoners lodged with Ofcom by the national consumer councils of England, Scotland and Wales and supported by the Prison Reform Trust; is concerned that the cost of a 30 minute call from a prison to a landline is over seven times more expensive than the equivalent call from a public payphone; is further concerned at the persistently high cost of telephone calls for prisoners, at a time when costs for other basic telephone services have fallen by 60 per cent.; notes that prisoners are six times less likely to reoffend if they have a supportive family network to return to when they leave prison and that almost half of people in prison lose contact with their families during their sentence; and calls on the Government to ensure current and future contracts for providing telephone services for prisoners require providers to charge fair prices.
This motion has been signed by a total of 65 MPs, 2 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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