West Highland Free Press
EDM number 2235 in 2008-09, proposed by Anne McGuire on 04/11/2009.
Categorised under the topic of Press.
That this House congratulates the West Highland Free Press on becoming Britain's first employee-owned newspaper; notes that over the last 37 years, the Free Press has established an international reputation for all that is best about journalism; further notes that the newspaper serves all the people in its community, and that the founders of the Free Press have shown that they practice what they preach, both in their radical stewardship of the paper since its foundation, and in their present support for the new form of ownership; recognises the outstanding contribution that one of the newspaper's founders, Brian Wilson, a former hon. Member of this House, has made to ensuring that the newspaper has been part of the political, cultural and social debate in the Highlands and Islands; wishes its new owners every success; and trusts that this will serve as an example to other businesses to develop employee ownership initiatives where possible.
This motion has been signed by a total of 47 MPs.
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