Future Of Teesside Chemical Industry
EDM number 1926 in 2008-09, proposed by Frank Cook on 20/07/2009.
Categorised under the topic of Manufacturing industries.
That this House notes that the chemical industry on Teesside is vital to the economic future of the North East of England and the UK economy as a whole, providing 60 per cent. of the UK's chemical exports, contributing £3.5 billion to the national economy and supporting 70,000 jobs nationally; is deeply concerned that the future of Teesside's entire complex could be put at serious risk if feedstocks produced from the Petroplus refinery, which is currently up for sale, were to be lost through its closure or reductions to a storage facility; and therefore calls on the Government to recognise the crucial importance of this plant to the future of the chemicals industry on Teesside particularly and the UK generally, do everything possible to ensure that the future of the plant as a refinery is safeguarded and to seek assurances from Petroplus that it is prepared to consider bids which can ensure the maintenance and potential expansion of its refining capacity.
This motion has been signed by a total of 41 MPs.
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